The Devil is (in the Detail) Down in Georgia. This is diabolical behavior.

The Georgia State Election Board voted last night against requiring counties to retain memory cards with proper ballot images for accountability. They claim “we have paper ballots for that”. Garland Favorite has been fighting for three years to see these “paper ballots” after finding massive discrepancies in the ballot images, all three counts, and in the other retained records.

About that audit?

This on the back of a recent audit of the 2020 election in Georgia which has come under scrutiny, raising questions about the integrity of the process. Originally designed to show the process to be squeaky clean, it instead threw up questions.

The audit, conducted by Pro V&V, a certified testing laboratory, was supposed to confirm that there was no evidence of tampering or hacking in the election. However, upon closer examination, there are several discrepancies and inconsistencies that cast doubt on the validity of the audit.

The audit, which was ordered by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, involved a random sample of Dominion Voting Systems machines throughout the state. Pro V&V used forensic techniques to extract the software or firmware from the machines and check that it was certified for use by the Secretary of State’s office. According to Raffensperger, the audit found no evidence of tampering.

However, upon further investigation, it was discovered that there is little to no evidence that the audit actually took place. An Open Records Request was sent to the state of Georgia, requesting access to the results, contract, scope, and report of the audit. Only three documents were returned, one of which was the “Field Audit Report Final 1.1.pdf” from Pro V&V. Strangely, the date on the memo was July 16, 2021, eight months after the audit was allegedly performed in November 2020. More at BlabberBuzz.